Friday, October 30, 2009
Alternative to UN (YouTube Video)
An Alternative to the UN
The hypocritical UN, that diseased body of the dysfunctional family of nations, is worthless except as a polluted podium for the sworn enemies of freedom, righteousness and democracy.
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Treacherous Climate Change Treaty
Climate Change Treaty A Precursor To Global Government?
by Chuck Baldwin
An Alternative to the UN
It would have been well for the United States to have expelled the accursed UN from off our sacred soil of liberty years ago rather than empower them with a voice and credibility they clearly do not deserve.
The affirmative action UN has dumbed down and endangered the world and we have aided and abetted their terrorism against Judeo-Christian civilization.
The UN is an assault against those biblical values we hold dear, an insult to the ideals we championed: In the words of Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, …”the Charter of the United Nations reflected our national optimism and our predilection for faith in good works. It was idealistic to the point of utopianism. …And it was doomed from the start.”
Remember when Chuck Lichenstein, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and deputy to Ambassador Kirkpatrick soundly remarked: “If, in the judicious determination of the members of the United Nations, they feel they are not welcome and treated with the hostly consideration that is their due, the United States strongly encourages member states to consider seriously removing themselves and this organization from the soil of the United States. We will put no impediment in your way, and we will be at the dockside bidding you farewell as you set off into the sunset"?
I disagree they were due anything but utmost contempt, abusing the good graces and naive hospitality of We The People of these United States.
Even as many are recognizing the desperate need for an alternative to the highly discredited Nobel Peace Prize, irreparably tarnished by leftists, proposing the Reagan Prize - it is imperative for the English-speaking nations of white Israelites to forge a more perfect union than the Gentile-dominated UN to advance our cause and secure our rights.
Cecil Rhodes was correct when he stated: "I contend that we are the first race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race." Of course, inspired men like Rhodes were instrumental in fulfilling prophecies about British-Israelites (Ephraim), the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic peoples, inheriting the ends of the Earth. Israel in the Isles was driven by Manifest Destiny to settle and colonize our God-given inheritances, as the American people (Manasseh) claimed our God-given inheritance from sea to shining sea.
Rhodes' ideal of an English-speaking union of nations has been corrupted by godless globalists, his plans perverted, nevertheless it stands as a springboard for ideas we must seriously consider, so help us God.
Whether our white Israelite nations, including our Jewish brethren, amend our ways and work together for our common good, remembering our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities, we are reassured by the words of the Prophets that we shall ultimately, collectively, serve as One Nation Under God: a truly United Kingdom.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Plain Truth (David Ben-Ariel YouTube Video)
Emperor Obama
Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
The Plain Truth About Easter
The Plain Truth About Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Excellent! Those who rise above the ghetto mentality of the victimHOOD have proven, time and again, money is green and success colorblind.
Emperor Obama - the ACORN-pimped Socialist - has got to go! Tell him so by asking everyone you know: "Where's the birth certificate?"
Socializing Society By Eliminating The Family
Socializing Society By Eliminating The Family
Cass Sunstein, Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, proposes to abolish traditional marriage as a state-sponsored institution.
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Destruction of families and nations
The Rise and Fall and Rise of Motherhood in America
Only women can be mothers. Have we forgotten this fundamental?
The godless Left does all it can to destroy the family (with its God-ordained roles for men and women), and it is exacerbated by "religious" comrades who blather we're all "equal" and incite women to rebel and pressure men to just be passive about it.
Races and genders must be reminded and restored to their proper places (Titus 2:3-5, Deuteronomy 32:8), since the chaos and confusion evident in society and our wayward world proves such a dysfunctional "freedom" enslaves all and would be the death of us all if God doesn't intervene and liberate mankind from political error and religious lies (Malachi 4:4-6).
Mama Evans
Erma Evans, a widow in the Church of God, served as a perfect example of what the apostle Paul called for from our senior women (Titus 2:3).
God Doesn't Ordain Women Preachers!
I just read an abominable article written by a proud and stubborn woman attempting to justify rebellious women doing what only God has ordained men to do: preach from the pulpit as ordained ministers.
Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
The more white Israelite people try to ignore the issues of race, the more race will get in our face (Daniel 9:11). It is in the best interests of every race to SEGREGATE NOW.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Remember the Law of Moses (Malachi 4:4)
This is spiritual, regardless of whether self-righteous (almost Gnostic) "Christians" think it's too material, physical, national, willfully ignorant that God has given us commands and laws for these things. That's why He says to "Remember the Law of Moses with the statutes and judgments" - they apply to the NATION (Malachi 4:4). Part of Judah's NATIONAL repentance is to restore the Temple Mount as the TEMPLE Mount. How logical and biblical!
God's One Government Has Two Branches!
The Sabbath-keeping Church of God (that remains faithful to the plain truth of the Bible that Herbert W. Armstrong taught) has heard a lot about government, but many seem to have forgotten that God's ONE government has TWO branches: Church (Priest) and State (King).
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
Sunday, October 25, 2009
South Africa warns Europe (and America)
By August Pointneuf
The ANC had everything when it came to power: It was gifted a fully functioning nation, which had a respectable income. It was carried on the shoulders of the world’s moral endorsement, with a surplus of extraordinary international good will. It was to be the “Rainbow Nation”, the trumpet triumphal of Black success and capability. It was to be the final eclipse of “white exploitation”, and the mould for the world of the future. It was set to justify the “racial integration” of all the nations of the world, and the symbolic success of “multiculturalism”. It proclaimed a final defeat of the stratification of unique societies, and had succeeded in destroying the boundaries of societal identity expressed by culture and race. (read more ...)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Walking a Wall
Commentary: Walking a wall
It was a gray, chilly morning with soft, intermittent rain falling, which cleared to a blustery, cold, sunny afternoon as we visited the ancient walled city of Chester in England. This place was settled by the Romans over 2000 years ago as an outpost in the British Isles. Read more
Friday, October 23, 2009
Black abortion rates almost 5 times higher than for whites
( –
Abortion kills more black Americans than the seven leading causes of death combined, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 2005, the latest year for which the abortion numbers are available. Abortion killed at least 203,991 blacks in the 36 states and two cities (New York City and the District of Columbia) that reported abortions by race in 2005, according to the CDC.
Click here to continue
More black on black violence, premeditated murder, and spare us the politically correct lie that blacks have more abortions because of this or that reason, lame excuses, when it is simply an issue of personal responsibility that the black community has typically failed to demand or address.
The Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Urban League, and the National Action Committee of Al Sharpton all have blood on their hands. When will they CALL FOR AND DEMAND OF THEMSELVES AN END TO IDLENESS AND SLEAZE that leads to disproportionate illegitimate children, immorality, STD's, drug dealing, glorification of crime, high school drop-outs and other such lack of proper content of character that Martin Luther King wouldn't be proud of?
Black Mark on Toledo
Hitler Will Judge Us!
Abortion: Blood of Innocents (Jeremiah 7:31)
Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) Discusses HR45
Where's the birth certificate? Demand to see it and get rid of the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, whose agenda is to disarm America and Americans.
Emperor Obama has got to go!
BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hate crimes in SA
Henri LeRiche
At night we can only pray that we would not be murdered by somebody with a vindictive racial attitude. We do not get to vote on the attitude towards crime, yet we are told that it is not geared towards us. We have to take the word of the majority, that criminals do not use racial bias. In South Africa, racists are not criminals, this is what the statics will make us believe.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
12 Tribes of Israel
Israel and Judah Must Get House in Order Before King Messiah Arrives
According to the rabbis, the "Lost Ten Tribes" are for all intents and purposes "Gentiles." This information constitutes further proof that the "Lost Ten Tribes" are not those diverse claimants (African, Indians, Burmese) who maintain remnants of Judaism from somebody's former conversion or contact with the religion of Judaism.
Khazars, Kevin Brook, and Yair Davidiy
This brash fellow has some website on the Khazars. Too bad he wasn't a real historian who accepts history AND the Bible as two witnesses to Israelite identity truth. Regardless of his vain rantings, the United States remains Manasseh and England is Ephraim, sons of Joseph!
Israel in the Isles
"LISTEN, O isles, unto me: and hearken, ye people from afar" (Isa. 49:1); and then makes the declaration: "Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified." (v. 3)
The English-Speaking Nations of White Israelites
Is God a racist? Does He discriminate? Did Jesus hate Gentiles? Was Paul prejudiced? Are Israelites and Jews superior to other peoples? Is God's favorite color white?
The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
In order to warn Israel about the many prophecies that preview our coming captivity (due to our idolatry and immorality), it was first necessary for God to restore our identity. God has now restored our identity, He's again warning our nations, and it's up to us what will happen next.
German-American Israelites?
"Born German, Made American" by Nicholas Kumanoff in The Atlantic Times, reveals how "to prove their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities."
Joseph isn't Jewish!
My sojourn at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan, where I served as a kibbutz volunteer for five months in 1982-1983, blessed me with memories to cherish a lifetime.
Death to the American, British & Jewish peoples?
This is only the beginning of the THUNDER before the Storm, as Beyond Babylon will become a national debate and an international controversy. Expect full page newspaper ads, like Herbert W. Armstrong took out in The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and other daily newspapers to reach everybody high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion - the largest possible audience!
Not All Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish?
Some, in clear contradiction of the Holy Bible, pretend that all Twelve Tribes of Israel are Jewish. Such woefully ignorant or deceptive people deny the biblical distinctions between the 12 Tribes and pretend there's only one tribe: Judah.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
You Might Be A Constitutionalist If . . .
You Might Be A Constitutionalist If . . .
Someone or something to worship
Ancient Israel made a similar choice to reject God’s rule over them, when the people wanted a king like all the other nations around them. “And the Lord said to Samuel, “Heed the voice of the people in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them” (1 Samuel 8:7).
An article published in Associated Newspapers – Mail Online by Author Martin states: “The findings of Bruce Hood, professor of developmental psychology at Bristol University, suggest that magical and supernatural beliefs are hardwired into our brains from birth, and that religions are therefore tapping into a powerful psychological force.” He seems to be saying that people are predisposed to believe in and worship someone or something that is perceived... Click here to continue
Powerful Analysis of the Supreme Courts Decisions
Cato Supreme Court Review
"Unquestionably, the definitive volume on the Supreme Court's term."
-Tom Goldstein, founder of SCOTUSblog
All previous editions are now just $5
Published every September, the Cato Supreme Court Review brings together leading legal scholars to analyze key cases from the Court's most recent term, plus cases coming up. Now in its eighth edition, the Review is the first scholarly journal to appear after the term's end and the only one to critique the Court from a Madisonian perspective, grounded in the nation's first principles, liberty and limited government.
REVERSE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION – Ricci v. DeStefano – White and Hispanic firefighters' challenge to New Haven's decision not to certify the results of a race-neutral exam whose result was that no African-Americans qualified for promotion. By Kenneth Marcus
VOTING RIGHTS – NAMUDNO v. Holder and Bartlett v. Strickland – Considers the abyss between two sections of the Voting Rights Act and the important but precise constitutional guarantee of the Fifteenth Amendment. By Roger Clegg
GOVERNMENT SPEECH AND RELIGION – City of Pleasant Grove v. Summum – Quixotic case in which a small religious sect wanted to place its monument in a public park that already displayed the Ten Commandments. By Patrick Garry
REGULATION OF OBSCENTIY – FCC v. Fox – A split Court found that the FCC has the power to punish the broadcasting of "fleeting expletives" without getting into the First Amendment issues attending these actions. By Robert Corn-Revere
SEARCH AND SEIZURE – Herring v. United States; Arizona v. Gant; Pearson v. Callahan; Arizona v. Johnson; Safford USD No.1 v. Redding – Two looks at the Roberts Court's jurisprudence in a variety of Fourth Amendment cases. By Erik Luna and Michael O'Neill
LOOKING AHEAD – Jan Crawford Greenburg, ABC News legal correspondent and author of the critically acclaimed Supreme Conflict, offers analysis and predictions for the 2009-10 term.
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ILYA SHAPIRO is a senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.
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Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Here comes the united states of Europe
The United States is about to confront a fierce new competitor, unlike any the nation has faced in its history.
Here come the united states of Europe
- Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Lisbon Treaty forges an empire, an emperor and an anvil for war! Some might scoff at secular Europe being seduced by Roman Catholic wiles, intoxicated by visions of reviving the "Holy Roman Empire," failing to grasp how they'll work together to further their own agendas (and ultimately betray each other). Never forget the occult undercurrent that fed Hitler's Third Reich as it will feed the Beast that is about to be unleashed upon the world. (read more ...)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Troubling times for whites!
Troubling times indeed: the prophesied "Times of the Gentiles." A terrible time foretold when the tail would be wagging the dog and the animals running the farm, all dictated by the politically correct gurus and racists who hate people of white color and feel smug about it with their double standards and institutionalized reverse discrimination.
MILITANT MINORITIES have a dream: supremacy. They only clamor for "equality" as a stepping-stone for their real goal: replacing those in the positions of power with their own kind.
- The Curse of Jeremiah Wrights
We're in the Times of the Gentiles!
Hatred, discrimination, racism - against whites
The Plain Truth About Race And Responsibility
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Jews sowed the wind and reap the whirlwind
I'm a white supremacist (do you prefer black or brown supremacists?) like Abraham Lincoln and I've never heard of the "code words" or numbers you've mentioned. However, I'm not a typical white supremacist.
Jews foolishly failed to vote for Ron Paul (I voted for Chuck Baldwin since Ron Paul failed to distance himself from the GOP), yet like sheeple to the slaughter aided and abetted ACORN-pimped Obama who hates people of white color, the United States and Israel just like his comrades. Go figure. More typical hypocrisy.
Black supremacists' stealth moves
Abraham Lincoln Was A White Supremacist
As far as being anti-Catholic (Catholicism), any intelligent person who is pro-United States, pro-Israel, pro-Bible, is against the Roman Catholic Cult whose agenda aims to revive the unholy Roman Empire of the German Nation and seize Jerusalem for its crown.
Even the hateful comrades of Obama can’t be wrong on everything.
Jerusalem’s Betrayal and Rape
The Intelligence Summit Misses the Mark: the German-Jesuit Threat to World Peace
Friday, October 2, 2009
Who lost the West?
Re: Israel is protecting the West
‘In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe?’
Who lost Rhodesia now Zimbabwe ruins? Who lost South Africa, now a Communist ANC cesspool where the lives of people of white color are threatened with genocide? Who lost the United States? Self-hating and defeatist white people. White Israelites have shamefully empowered those who hate us to rule over us, whether smooth-talking terrorist Nelson Mandela, Mugabe or Emperor Obama, a fraud and foreigner, whose ACORN-pimped election was a black day in America.
Islam is dangerous, especially when its adherents can collaborate with militant minorities, throwing fuel on the fire of the always angry blacks and subversive illegal aliens, and target major American cities for terrorism, but the curse of Jeremiah Wrights pales Islam in comparison.